Full Body Workout with Bayley
1) Push-Up into Plank Reach x10
2) Reverse Lunge w/ Forward Kick x10
3) Reverse Plank Punches x30 seconds
4) Pulse Squat into Squat x20 each
5) Superman x20 reps
3 rounds, 75 seconds rest between rounds
Upper Body and Core with Bayley
1) Plank to Pike Pushup x10
2) Superman I, Y, T x10
3) Burpee to Floor x10
4) High Side Plank 30 seconds each side
5) Reverse Plank Leg Raises x10
3 Rounds
Lower Body Workout with Bayley
1) Forward / Reverse Lunge x10
2) Singe Leg Bridge x10
3) Glute Bridge x10
3 rounds
4) Air Squat Jump w/ Pause
5) Jump Lunge (R)
6) Jump Lunge (L)
7) Mountain Climbers
30 seconds on, 15 seconds off, 3 rounds
Core / HIIT Workout with Josh
2) Moguls
3) Invisible Jump Rope
4) Butterfly Sit-Up
5) Hip Dips (Plank)
3 Rounds, 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off
Full Body Workout with Bayley
1) Push-Up Alternating Reverse Toe Tap x5
2) 1/2 Burpee to Plank Jack x10
3) Curtsy to Lateral Lunge x10
4) Forward Reverse Squat Walks x10
5) Single Arm/Leg Superman x10
6) Boat Pose 30 seconds
Upper Body and Core Workout with Bayley
2) Side Plank w/ Overhand Reach
3) Push-Up to Ankle Tap
4) Arrested Superman
10 reps each, 15 seconds between sets
Lower Body Workout with Bayley
2) Plie Squat w/ Calf Raise x10
3) Reverse Lunge Pulse w/ Kick x10
4) Air Squat x5 into Jump Squat x5
3 rounds, 15 seconds between all sets
Full Body Workout with Bayley
2) Pushup Crossover w/ Sumo Burpee x10
3) Plank Row with T-Rotation x10
4) Wall Tricep Pushup x10
3 rounds, 20 seconds rest between
Core / Cardio Workout with Bayley
1) High Knee Toe Touches
2) Up/Down Planks
3 rounds, rest 45 seconds
3) Mountain Climbers
4) Moguls
5) Plank Wide Foot Taps
3 rounds, 30 seconds on, 20 seconds off
Full Body Workout with Bayley
2) Alternating Single Arm/Leg Plank
3) Bird Dog Tucks
4) Crossover to Squat Burpee
3 rounds, 10 reps each exercise, 15 seconds between exercises, 30 seconds between rounds