Frequently Asked Questions

Get in Touch
Do you have questions about our gyms, memberships, or amenities? Message us and we will get you some answers!
You can reach our Call Center by calling (501) 712-3992 or
Q: Do members get unlimited use?
A: Yes, members get unlimited access. Basic members get unlimited access to one location. Basic and Premium members get unlimited access to all locations.
Q: Is my 10 Fitness membership valid at all locations?
A: A Basic membership gives you unlimited access to one 10 Fitness location. Premium and Level 10 memberships allow for unlimited access to all 10 Fitness locations.
Q: What if I decide to cancel? Are there any cancellation fees?
Membership agreements are 12 months. After 12 months, the member can cancel any time by filling out a cancellation form at any 10 Fitness at least three business days before the draft date and paying any past due balance. 12 month membership members who have not fulfilled their 12 month commitment may cancel by paying a cancellation fee. Cancellation fees vary depending on purchase date. Early cancellation fees for memberships purchased prior to 2019 are $49. Memberships purchased after 2019 have a $79 early cancel fee.
Q: Are your locations staffed overnight?
A: That depends upon the location. Please check the staffed hours on the location page that you’re interested in.
Q: Are your locations crowded?
A: Not usually. Normal peak times are Mon-Thurs, 4:30-7:00pm. January is also the busiest month of the year.
Q: How does the tanning work?
A: Unlimited Tanning is included with our Premium and Level 10 Memberships.
Q: Can I bring a guest?
A: Anyone may purchase a day pass for $12. Premium and Level 10 Memberships include VIP Guest Privileges, which allow you to bring one guest every time you workout, with that guest enjoying the benefits of our Basic Membership.
Q: How do I pay for my membership each month?
A: We auto draft your checking account each month, or you can pay in full for a year at a time. Some members choose to put a credit card on file for auxiliary items like bottled water, post-workout drinks, etc.
Q: What is the minimum age to workout?
Age Access to Parental Involvement Required
13-15 years Fitness Floor Parent must be working out with the child
16-17 years Fitness Floor Parent must sign waiver when child joins
18+ Fitness Floor and Tanning None
Q: How do your lockers work?
A: Lockers are free for you to use while working out. We do not provide locks, but you may purchase one at the front desk. When you leave the gym, we ask that you take all personal belongings with you, including your lock. Items left overnight are subject to being donated to Goodwill.
Q: Do you offer exercise classes?
A: We offer Level 10 Team Training at all locations. Group Exercise classes vary by location, so please check the Classes page of our website for the current schedule.
Q: If I cancel and then decide to rejoin, do I have to pay another joining fee?
A: If you rejoin within 30 days of cancelling we will waive your joining fee. However, if you rejoin after that 30-day period you would have to pay another joining fee. Management may make exceptions for those who cancel for health issues or military deployment.