The Bad News and Good News About Food Prep!
It’s one of the most common concerns I hear from new clients. It can be totally intimidating to someone just starting out. It’s that four letter word…PREP!!!
Let’s do bad news first: It’s incredibly important to learn how to prepare and control your own food, and there really is no getting around it. Yes, you can pay services to do the work for you, but you still need to learn the process yourself. Knowing exactly what’s in your food, how much the quantity is, how fresh it is, and gaining the knowledge you need to take care of yourself is powerful and key for long term success.
Now the good news! It’s really not that bad! It can seem tedious and completely overwhelming at first, but you get better and better at it. You will learn tricks and your likes and dislikes very quickly, and become a master of efficiently creating your own meals and snacks. What an amazing skill to gain!
Here’s a couple hints that I use weekly
- Lay out your meal containers or baggies that need to be filled in that prep session on the counter. It’ll keep your on track and lets you see your progress.
- Multitask! Have pans of veggies roasting in the oven while some green beans are steaming in the microwave while some zucchini noodles are steaming on the stove top next to some turkey meatballs browning. Get as much going as you can.
- Get your family involved. My kids aren’t old enough to use knives or heat sources, but my older daughter will help me measure and baggie fruits and veggies and count out cashews and olives. An added bonus is that they’re much more likely to try a food that they had a hand in preparing.
- Use big batch recipes that provide several meals in one big pan or skillet.If you would like to know more about some of these recipes email me at Li******@10*******.com
Remember; you will always have to eat. Learn how to feed yourself to fuel your life and achieve your goals.
(To learn more about 10 Fitness Nutrition click the picture below.)
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