Hello! I’m Ellie Cooke Pride, a dedicated personal trainer at 10 Fitness since February 2024. My fitness journey began back in 2015, and since then, I’ve been privileged to guide over 250 individuals, both in person and online, towards achieving their health and fitness goals.

While my formal educational details might not be listed, my real-world experience in weight loss and nutrition speaks volumes. I’m renowned for my ability to help clients not only reach but exceed their expectations, growing more confident and healthy with each session. The joy of witnessing my clients push past their perceived limits and achieve continual improvement is what fuels my passion every day.

Professionally, I excel at helping my clients cultivate a balanced relationship with food and exercise. My approach allows them to enjoy life while staying on track with their fitness goals, a method that has helped many develop lasting confidence and become the best versions of themselves.

When I’m not at the gym, you can find me exploring the great outdoors—whether that’s hiking, spending time at the dog park, or enjoying a quiet day by the lake. I also love to cook and am often experimenting with new recipes in my kitchen.

My personal passions extend to trying new experiences and traveling with loved ones. Originally from Cambridge, UK, I moved to Arkansas to be with my husband, whom I met while he was stationed in the UK. The experiences we share, from hobbies to visiting new countries, are what I cherish most. To me, health and memories are the world’s true riches.

In terms of aspirations, I aim to leave this world better than I found it, whether by enhancing people’s health or leaving them with joyful memories. My favorite reads, “The 4-Hour Work Week” and “Why We Sleep,” reflect my philosophy on life and productivity.

A fun fact about me? I’ve visited every continent except Africa and Antarctica… but I’m working on that! And yes, even though I’m far from home, British chocolate is one treat I could never give up.

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