Why Seniors Should be Strength Training
Seniors (and everybody) should be strength training! Cardiovascular exercise and diet are the two things most overweight and out of shape people think they need to do in order to lose weight and tone up. This is wrong. The most important and integral part of weight loss and weight management is in fact strength training.
The benefit of lifting weights doesn’t just stop there.
Here are ten reasons why everybody should be strength training a minimum of once a week.
1. Weight Loss (Faster Metabolism)
Strength training causes an increase in lean muscle mass on the body. The more muscle mass a person has, the faster their metabolism becomes. The faster your metabolism of food and liԛuids, the easier weight loss is to achieve and manage.
2. More Energy
One of the quickest changes you will notice upon starting a weight training regimen is your increase in energy throughout a day. Once your body gets a taste for exercise it doesn’t want to stop. The more energy you have, the more active you are and the more calories you will burn.
3. Healthy Eating Awareness
Mentally you are more inclined to make the right food choices if you are engaging in regular physical activity. Your body is like a sports car and the premium gas makes you run fast and efficient. Don’t settle for the cheap and often unhealthy substitutes. Healthier eating means better performance from your body. For more on healthy eating look here.
4. Improved Mood and Self Confidence
When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good you perform better. Better performance means better results. Lack of confidence is why most people turn to over-eating and drowning away sorrows behind closed doors in the first place. Build confidence through strength training and be prepared to take on the world.
5. Physical Appearance
An increase in muscle means a decrease in fat. Muscle is hard and defined whereas fat is soft and gooey. Now would you rather have a six pack or look like you drank one too many? The stronger you are physically, the easier it becomes to do your day to day tasks. Your work and sporting performances will improve, and you will achieve far greater results in all walks of life.
6. Lower Heart Rate & Blood Pressure
Not only are you building lean muscle mass through strength training, you are also increasing the efficiency of your heart and the capacity of your lungs. The stronger the heart, the more efficiently it will pump blood. The easier the blood travels through the body, the quicker oxygen and nutrients can be delivered to your working muscles.
7. Improved Posture
Rounded shoulders, tight hip flexors and stiff lower backs are common postural challenges in people who sit at a computer all day. Strengthening the often neglected opposite muscle groups and stretching out those stiff ones will lead to improved posture in no time.
8. Prevents Osteoporosis
An added benefit for the mature and motivated is that any type of resistance training will help strengthen bones and joint integrity. The stronger your bones are the less likely they will be to break and the lower the chances of osteoporosis in older adults.
9. Stronger Immune Function
Regular exercise and healthy eating is a proven way to help your immune system battle sickness and fight off disease.
10. No More Restless Nights
If you are having trouble sleeping at night just wait till you participate in your first full hour weight training session. Trust me when I say this, you will be sleeping like a baby come that night. Your body and mind will reԛuire more sound rest for a full and speedy recovery.
In Conclusion
So whether you are a child, teenager, adult, or senior it is never too late or too early to start obtaining the many great benefits that come with strength training.
Ask your doctor or contact a professional fitness/personal trainer and find out what kind of strength training program is right for you.
10 Fitness partners with Silver Sneakers and Silver and Fit to offer special discounts for Seniors. Check out the links above to see if you qualify.