Lower Body Workout with Bayley

1) Squat – Lateral Kick
2) Squat – Calf Raise
3) Close – Wide Squat Jump
4) Reverse Lunge Kick

3 rounds, 12 reps each exercise, 15 seconds rest between

Full Body HIIT with Bayley

1) Burpees x10
2) Plank Rows x20
3) Reverse Plank Leg Drive x20
4) Inchworm – Plank Rotation x10
5) Standing Side Crunch w/ Reach x10 each side

3 Rounds, 20 seconds rest between

Full Body HIIT with Bayley

Circuit 1
1) Mountain Climbers
2) Inchworm Pushup
3) Row Kickback

Circuit 2
1) Squat Press
2) Close – Wide Squat
3) Plank Dips

30 seconds on, 15 seconds off, 3 rounds

Glute Workout with Bayley

1) Donkey Kick x10
2) Fire Hydrant x10
3) Sumo Squat into Sumo Pulse Squat x10 each
4) Lateral Lunges
5) Squat Reverse Lunge

3 rounds, 15 seconds rest between sets

Upper Body and Core Workout with Bayley

1) Push-Up Reach x15
2) Superman Press x15
3) Forward – Side Walking Planks x10
4) Reverse Plank Arnold Press x15

EMOM, use remainder of minute as rest
4 rounds

3 rounds, 75 seconds rest between rounds

Full Body HIIT Workout with Bayley

Bayley takes Robin through an awesome full body HIIT workout.

1) Squat – DB Arnold Press
2) Reverse Plank Punches
3) Squat w/ Cross Jump
4) Plank Rows – assisted

Equipment 5 lb dumbbells

3 rounds – 30 seconds on / 30 seconds off

3 rounds, 75 seconds rest between rounds

Full Body Workout with Bayley

1) Plank Cross – Wide Foot Tap x5 each
2) Surrender – Forward Kick x15 each
3) Tricep – Regular Pushup x5 each
4) Wall Calf Raise x20

3 rounds, 20 seconds rest between

3 rounds, 75 seconds rest between rounds

Full Body Cardio Workout with Bayley

1) Sumo Jacks
2) Uptown Plank Knee Tap
3) Reverse Plank Bridge – Step Out
4) High Knees

3 rounds, 30 seconds on / 30 seconds off

3 rounds, 75 seconds rest between rounds

Upper Body and Core Workout with Bayley

1) Plank Shoulder Tap – Knee Tap x10
2) Downdog Alternate Knee Tucks x5
3) Bent Knee Side Plank Tucks x10
4) Rotation Superman x10

rest 20 seconds between sets

3 rounds, 75 seconds rest between rounds