New Basics of a Workout Program

It is easier than you think if you start with a plan!

When it comes to getting fit or losing weight, having a long-term workout program planned out for months at a time is important. Having milestones to achieve along the way, will help you to stick with it. Start with the basics to come up with something that suits your needs. Keep in mind this is a Lifestyle change not a destination.

Helpful ideas to design your program.

Are you trying to lose weight, improve your overall fitness or trying to tone or to bulk up? Do you have a clear grasp of what you’re aiming to do?  In the long-run knowing this will help to guide your plan and keep you motivated too.

A great place to start is with a complimentary Fitness Assessment provided to you by 10 Fitness. Check out this video to see what happens during your Fitness Assessment.

Now it’s time to think about how often you will work out.

If you’re new to workout programs, or are not particularly fit.  You may need to go easy to start with. Plan to do some light training on one or two days each week. Do this until you start getting used to physical exertion and recovery. Too much too soon could be overwhelming and put you off.

After easing yourself in, you can increase the intensity of the workout.  Add an extra one or two workout days to your program. Try for three days each week, or maybe four if you’re feeling really energetic. However, it’s as important to include rest and recovery days in your schedule as it is to include workout days.


Variety Is Key To Keep It Interesting.

The amount of time you allow for a workout session will dictate the variety and kinds of exercise you can carry out. For lots of variety, you’ll need a longer session. At least that is what most people believe.  Team Training is a great way to get a lot of variety in a short period of time!

A Daily Plan Is Important To Your Success!

You need to have an idea of the exercises you need to do in your program. Think about which areas of your body you’d like to focus on the most. Do you want to drop weight off your stomach? Do you want to increase the endurance in your legs? Perhaps you want to bulk up your biceps? You can plan each session with these focal points in mind.

Build your program up bit by bit. Start off by deciding on your general aims. After that figure out how much time you’ll have available or want to spend exercising. With a range of possible exercises in mind, plan what you’d like to cover in each session. See if you can cover everything in a one- or two-week exercise cycle.


Seems Like A Lot – Here Is One Way To End All The Guess Work.

I know this can seem like a lot and a bit overwhelming. However, we can make it easier for you if you would like to consider a Personal Trainer. Personal Trainers take all the guess work out of the it for you. Check out the link below to see all that a Personal Trainer can do for you to get the results you want!

In Conclusion

After you’ve begun the actual workouts, you’ll have a better idea of which exercises work for you, and how long it all takes. You can then adjust your program to match what you learn. With this knowledge, you can then set yourself longer-term goals – like increasing the number of reps or sets you do in a session, or running further in the same amount of time.