Core / Cardio with Bayley
Clif takes us through a full bodyweight workout you can do at home! 1) Moguls 2) Corkscrews 3) Wide Mountain Climbers 4) Invisible Jump Rope 5) Powerskips3 Rounds
Wynnsday Workout
Clif takes us through a full bodyweight workout you can do at home! 1) Pogo Hops 2) Squat Lunge/Combo 3) Skater Touch 4) Push-Up to Mountain Climber 5) Shoulder Tap to Plank Jacks 6) Spider Mountain Climber 7) T-RotationRevisit Front Snap Kick 8) Spinning Back...
Total Body Workout with Josh
Clif takes us through a full bodyweight workout you can do at home! 1) Invisible Ball Slams 2) Standing Superman Flye 3) Side Plank Extension 4) Chameleon to Plank 5) Assisted Push to Transfer 3 rounds, 10, 12, 15 reps, 30 seconds rest between
Upper Body Push with Bayley
Clif takes us through a full bodyweight workout you can do at home! 1) Side Push-Ups x 10 2) Jingle Leg Push-Up x 10 3) Pike Push-Up x 15 4) Tricep Push-Up x 10 5) Floor Dips x 153 Rounds, 30 seconds rest between
Lower Body Workout with Clif
Clif takes us through a full bodyweight workout you can do at home! 1) Sumo Squats to Jacks 2) Sprinter Lunges 3) Mountain Climbers to Plank Twists 4) Single Leg RDL's 5) Hip Series: All 4's 6) Hip Bridge Complex 7) Leg Raise w/ Tilt 8) Jump Front Snap...
Monday Workout with Clif
Clif takes us through a full bodyweight workout you can do at home! 1) Hop Complex 2) Split Lunges 3) Lateral Lunges 4) Push-Up Around the World 5) Hips Drops 6) Flutterkick w/ Clap 7) Side Plank w/ Twist 8) Straight Kicks