Hello! My name is Trista Lisek and I am a personal trainer here at 10 Fitness in Springfield, Missouri. About four years ago, I found my passion for fitness and people at 10 Fitness, and I haven’t looked back since. As someone who has always been the go-to fitness advisor for my friends and family, this felt like a natural and rewarding progression.
I’ve always been a proud resident of Springfield, MO, where I was born, raised, and continue to live. My journey began in Willard, where I completed my education from kindergarten through 12th grade, even dabbling in some college classes along the way. After that, I attended OTC for a year and still entertain the thought of taking a few more classes to expand my knowledge further.
When it comes to my professional life, I’ve earned a reputation for my ability to communicate effectively. My knack for putting thoughts into words and connecting with people on a personal level has become one of my greatest strengths. This ability goes hand-in-hand with what excites me most about my work—helping people reach their fitness goals. To be part of someone’s transformation, to help them stay motivated and focused on their path is a deeply fulfilling experience.
Away from the training grounds, you can find me indulging in my personal passion: distance running. Whether hiking, running, or chilling by the pool, I love staying active. I also have a soft spot for kids and volunteering at my church fills me with joy. Progress also inspires me greatly; the ability to look back and see how far you’ve come is a powerful motivator.
My dedication to fitness has been recognized in my high school cross country team where my coach even named an award after me, a gesture that still fills me with pride.
There are two things in life I find impossible to give up: working out, which is my fuel, and my dog, who is my heart. As for how I want to be remembered, I hope people see me as a hard-working individual who made a real difference in their lives.
My favorite quote, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure,” reflects my belief in the untapped potential within all of us. I believe in the power of our own light and in letting it shine, inspiring others to do the same.
Lastly, if you’re ever in the neighborhood and hear some loud country music playing, it’s probably me, cutting loose and dancing to the rhythm of my favorite tunes. A fun, whacky fact about me that I absolutely love to share!

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