Hello! I’m Caitlin Harlan. My journey with 10 Fitness feels like a full circle, starting from where my fitness journey began to now being able to share my passion in the very place it all ignited. It’s a testament to how far I’ve come since I first stepped into the world of fitness in 2016, around the time I joined the military.
My educational path took me through Phillips Community College, ASU-Beebe, and Pulaski Tech. Initially, I pursued criminology, fascinated by the subject but eventually realizing it wasn’t where my true passion lay. My real love was fitness, something I came to understand after completing my basics across these institutions.
Professionally, I’m known for helping clients increase muscle mass, with a special focus on the lower body. But beyond the physical training, I aim to bring smiles to their faces, making each session enjoyable despite the hard work.
What am I most passionate about? It’s the ability to improve someone’s quality of life, even if it’s just once a week. Being the highlight of someone’s day and seeing them leave with a smile is incredibly rewarding.
My clients often see me as more than just their trainer. I’m a confidant, a part of their family, and a friend. It’s not just about physical training; it’s about providing support and encouragement through all aspects of their lives.
When I’m not working, you’ll likely find me at the gym (my second home), catching up on some much-needed rest, or indulging in my weakness for Chinese food.
On a personal level, I’m passionate about improving my overall health and wellness, traveling, and embracing new experiences. I believe in living life to the fullest, taking risks, and making the most of every opportunity.
I was born in Stuttgart, AR, and have moved quite a bit over the years. While I don’t currently engage in volunteer activities, my life is filled with pursuits that challenge and inspire me.
One thing I couldn’t give up is a work schedule that accommodates my gym routine. It’s essential for maintaining my lifestyle and continuing my personal growth.
I hope to be remembered as someone who lived fearlessly, took risks, and inspired others to do the same. Someone who always had a smile on their face and was a joy to be around.
Bruce Lee’s words, “Choose the positive. You have a choice, you are the master of your attitude, choose the positive, the constructive. Optimism is a faith that leads to success,” resonate deeply with me.
And a fun fact? My 5 years in the Army were some of the worst but also the most enjoyable times of my life. It’s a love/hate relationship that all service members can relate to. The people you meet become family, and those bonds last a lifetime.

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