About Darion
Hello! My name is Darion Griswold and I am a trainer here at 10 Fitness in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Three years ago, I started my journey at 10 Fitness. What drove me towards this path was my desire to expand my knowledge and help people reach their health and fitness goals.
I was born and raised in Dumas, Arkansas, but I currently live in Jonesboro. After graduating from Arkansas State University in 2015, I had the opportunity to play professional football. This experience honed my leadership skills and my ability to motivate others – skills that now come in handy in my current profession.
The core of my professional passion lies in the ability to assist people daily. My happiness stems from others achieving their goals. There is nothing more gratifying than witnessing the progress of my clients, and this is what gets me out of bed each day, eager to work.
Among the challenges that my clients often face, persisting through tough days stands out. I've been there myself, struggling to get over a hump, to push through grueling workouts. But the strength lies in persevering, and I strive to imbue my clients with the encouragement to keep going, even when it seems too hard. They know me as their relentless cheerleader, always there to give them a positive push when things get tough.
Away from work, you can find me unwinding with my family and friends. Being a sports enthusiast, I enjoy engaging in various sports activities and, of course, working out. My personal passion is, unsurprisingly, centered around helping others. The joy I derive from seeing people happy drives my professional commitment and fuels my inspiration.
My career in sports has been punctuated with triumphs, including being a 4-time Sunbelt Conference Champion and an NFC Champion with the Atlanta Falcons in 2018.
The one thing I could never give up is my family. Their love and support have been my rock through all my ups and downs. As for how I wish to be remembered, I hope to be known as someone genuine and hardworking, someone who dedicated his life to helping others.
A quote that I hold close to my heart is, "Don't get by, get better." It's a powerful reminder of the importance of constant growth and improvement. My favorite movie is "Coach Carter," an inspiring tale of resilience, determination, and team spirit.
Lastly, a piece of advice that I always share – be true to yourself. Amidst the challenges and changes life throws at us, remaining authentic is the key to happiness and fulfillment.