Promoting Fitness At Your Business Is Good Business!
Why Promoting Fitness is Important at Work
The goal for a wellness program at work is to reduce the number of lifestyle diseases adding to employer and employee healthcare costs.
Promoting Fitness at Work
The goal of a wellness program is to encourage employees to adopt a healthy lifestyle to achieve or maintain a higher quality of life!
Promoting Healthy Habits
The benefit of helping employees learn healthy habits and new activities is to help them live a healthier life – for themselves and their families.
Let 10 Fitness Do The Heavy Lifting For You!
By Partnering with 10 Fitness Your Employees Receive…
- More locations than anyone else in Central Arkansas
- Special Discounted Rates
- No Joining fees
- Team Exercise Classes lead by a Certified Personal Trainer.
- An Available In House Nutritionist
- Kids Club, Personal Training, Group Exercise, Cardio Cinema
- Customized Fitness Challenges
Health Risk Assessment
Each of your employees will receive a free health risk assessment designed to identify; health risks, fitness goals, and an outline to assist them in making healthy changes that will impact their life and prevent chronic disease.
Customized Solutions – We can help build a program just for you and your employees.
- Simply offer our special incentives to your employees.
- Let us build a program that will incentives employees to get healthy
- Subsidized memberships
According to Partnerships in Preventions
A review of 42 published studies of Health Promotion Programs shows:
- Average 28% reduction in sick leave absenteeism
- Average 26% reduction in health costs
- Average 30% reduction in workers’ compensation & disability claims costs
- Average $5.93 to $1 Savings to cost ratio
Lets Do This – Together!
Learn More About Our Group Rates Program
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