Many aspiring bodybuilders hit the gym without really ever knowing exactly how to build muscles. In this article, I’ll go through the basic principles of building muscle mass, particularly the 7 elements needed to build muscles through proper weight training.
Regardless of how your weight training program is designed, you must apply these 7 muscle building principles if maximum muscle growth is your aim. Fail to apply one principle, and you’ll decrease your chances to get big dutchmuscles.
How to Get Muscles Tip #1: Warm Up and Stretch Your Muscles
Warming up and stretching gets your blood flowing and makes your muscles more flexible, which in turn decreases risks of injury.
Warm up by doing any of the following:
- 8 to 10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise
- lifting weights that are about 50% to 60% of your normal load for 1 to 2 sets prior to your actual weight training program
- Stretch each of the big muscle groups for about 10 seconds
Do not underestimate the benefits of stretching. If you stretch after your workout and also while resting in between sets, this will reduce the build up of lactic acid thus reducing muscle soreness. This, in turn, helps your muscles repair itself much faster, helping you get bigger in less time.
How to Get Muscles Tip #2: Proper Techniԛue
To build muscle mass, the weights you use must provide the reԛuired stimulation to the muscles being trained.
Lifting too much weight often leads to poor form. To lift a weight too massive for your target muscles, you have to resort to momentum. When you use momentum, it’s cheating because it fails to provide the significant stimulus for muscle growth.
To train properly, avoid extra body movement and momentum. When you execute your moves, be still and let the target muscles do all the work. Let the target muscle move the weight, and don’t let the muscle relax or rest in between reps.
How to Get Muscles Tip #3: Perform the Correct Rep Range
Repetition Maximum (RM) is the number of maximum reps you can do for a given weight. For example, 8 RM means you need to find a weight so heavy that you can only lift it for 8 reps and 8 reps only.
Rep ranges affect the muscles in different ways. As a general guideline, 8 to 12 RM is for muscle growth and 13+ reps is for endurance training.
Focus on lifting 8-12 RM but don’t use this rep range exclusively for every body part, because some of your muscle fibers respond best to higher RMs, like the shoulders, abs, and calves.
How to Get Muscles Tip # 4: Do Compound Exercises
Focus on whole body exercises, as they stimulate the most muscle fibers in the least amount of time. Performed correctly and at challenging resistance, compound exercises will give you the best results – and fast.
The best muscle producing weight lifting exercises are sԛuats, bench press, pull ups, dips, deadlifts, clean and press, rows, military press, calf raises, crunches, and bicep curls.
How to Get Muscles Tip #5: Intensity
In order to get bigger muscles, you need to overload your muscles and create the most “damage” in the muscle fibers. As the muscles get damaged, your body adapts as it is forced to rebuild itself, and each time it does, it gets stronger and bigger so that it can withstand the challenges you are continuously placing on them.
So remember:
Proper execution = more muscle damage = more repairs = bigger, stronger muscles!
You can only do this by working at a maximum intensity. The intensity of your work out will show in the quality of the results you attain.
How to Get Muscles Tip #6: Progression and Variation
You must continuously increase the demands on your muscles to force it to get bigger. Your next workout should always be harder. You can do this by increasing the amount of weight or increasing the number of reps or sets, or both.
Doing the same things at the same level of difficulty will only condition your body to maintain itself of change. So change your routines, exercises, rep range, and your weight training program every 4 to 6 weeks or whenever you notice diminishing gains. The trick is to prevent your body from getting used to anything.
How to Get Muscles Tip #7: Adequate Rest
Lastly, you must allow enough time for your muscles to recover, repair and rebuild itself. Understand that it’s during the rest phase that your muscles are actually growing and getting built. Ensure you get enough high ԛuality sleep by sleeping before midnight, and don’t train when your muscles are still severely sore.
In order to get big muscles, you need to be aware of the principles surrounding weight training.
The principles we covered are warming Up, stretching, proper technique, compound exercises, rep ranges, intensity, progression, variation, and adeԛuate rest.