Core Workout with Bayley
2) Squat Alternating Lateral Kick
3) Lying Leg Raise
4) High Knees
5) Plank Crossovers
3 rounds, 30 seconds each exercise, 15 seconds rest between exercises, 30 seconds rest between rounds
Lower Body and Core with Bayley
2) Split Suat Pulse x10 into Jump x10
3) Single Leg Glute Bridge w/ 5 sec Eccentric
4) Mountain Climbers
5) Bent Knee Plank w/ Taps
HIIT Workout with Bayley
2) Wide Mountain Climbers w/ Jump
3) Pank Jack to 1/2 Burpee
4) Sit-Ups to Russian Twists
30 seconds on, 15 seconds off, 3 rounds
Lower Body Workout with Bayley
2) 3 Way Toe Taps (Lateral, 45, back) x10
3) Squat Lateral Kicks x10
2 Round
4) Alternating Jump Lunge w/ Squat
5) Skaters
6) Wall Sit
2 Rounds, 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off
Lower Body Workout with Bayley
1) Alternating Curtsy Lunge w/ Knee Tuck
2) Alternating RDL Pulses
3) Pulse Squats
4) Glute Bridge w/ Hastring Curl
5) Wall Calf Raises
30 seconds on, 20 seconds off, 3 rounds
Upper Body / Core Workout with Bayley
1) Wall Slides x20
2) Tank Scapular Squeeze x10
3) Superman Towel Row x10
4) Deload Push-Ups x8
5) Plank Reverse Toe Touches x8
20 seconds rest between sets
HIIT Workout with Bayley
1) Alternate Lateral Jumps
2) Bear Crawl
3) Squat to High Knee x4
4) V-Sit Jabs/Punches
30 seconds on, 30 seconds off
3 rounds
Full Body Workout with Bayley
1) Sumo Burpee x10
2) Bent Knee Plank w/ Taps x10
3) Inchworm to T-Rotation x10
4) Push-Up Mountain Climbers x10
5) Side Plank Reps x10
3 Rounds, 20 seconds rest between
Upper Body Workout with Bayley
1) Downward Dog Leg Lift w/ knee tuck x15
2) One Arm Side Push-Up x10
3) Lying Back Extension x15 (static hold last rep)
4) Reverse Plank Kicks x15
#FeelGoodFriday Workout with Clif
1) Squat to Knee Raise
2) Crunch and Reverse Crunch
3) Skaters
4) Punches
5) Kicks
6) Combos